Limiting factor series – Space

Space is a limiting factor that you may think is a permanent limitation. But, you don’t need space to house every animal, just enough space to house animals in need at the time they need that space. 

Imagine you have space for 90 animals but you have the staff and finances for 10 more. Finding a way to house these 10 additional animals is what will break you through the space limiting factor.

Let’s talk about ways to increase timely capacity. 

Increasing space

Create or expand your foster network – fostering allows for exponential increase in space, but only if done properly. If you don’t have a fostering side of the house, take a look at our guide to creating a foster team

If you do have a foster team, here are some ways to get the most out of the team and expand:

  • Ask your fosters to network for you. They already love fostering for you so they are your best boots on the ground to recruiting and encouraging new faces. You can use similar methods to what is discussed in using your fosters to market
  • Train an elite team to handle medical and behavioral intakes
  • Consider allowing fosters to take a litter or more than one puppy from a litter
  • Reach out to former adopters for a foster plea

Of course the best way to decrease your capacity is to increase adoption rate. 

  • Cohabitate dogs you know are stable with other dogs. This also has added benefits of reducing stress and increasing adaptability
  • Help keep pets in their homes
  • If you notice that certain times of year result in a higher rate of intake requests (after Christmas, etc) consider pulling out all the adoption and foster stops beforehand 
    – Give a home for the holidays
    – Foster for Christmas

Give yourself a timeline for implementing these new space expanding strategies to break through your limiting factor. Once you have accomplished this, head back to the original limiting factors article to determine what to focus on next to continue saving lives. 

Is this article missing something? Have questions? Want help applying what you learned to your organization? Send us a message!

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